Letters from our readers – Page 11

  • Opinion

    Letters: November 2007


    From Alfred Bader Why do chemists refer to Avogadro’s number (Chemistry World, August 2007, p11) when, correctly, it should be called Loschmidt’s number? Amedeo Avogadro predicted in 1811 that someone, some day, would be able to calculate that number. The calculation of the number was first done by Joseph Loschmidt ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: October 2007


    From Geoff Cloke, Andrew Smith and Bob Allison We were astonished to read the remarks made about chemistry at the University of Sussex by Professor Sir Richard Sykes (Chemistry World, September 2007). In particular, the statement: ’If chemistry is a drain, vice-chancellors have no choice but to deal with ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: September 2007


    From Allan N Smith All those involved in the writing, editing and production of Chemistry World are to be congratulated. It is interesting, accurate and comprehensive; I look forward to reading it every month when it gives me a good few hours of informative pleasure. A N Smith CChem ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: August 2007


    From John Holman Your editorial ’Dear Gordon’ (Chemistry World, June 2007) points to the skills that chemistry graduates can contribute to the economy. Chemistry is a quantitative subject that teaches the scientific use of evidence, and that is one reason why chemistry graduates are so employable. However, Peter Cotgreave’s ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: July 2007


    From Ronald Bentley In his ’Bench Monkey’ column (Chemistry World, April 2007, p40) Dylan Stiles notes that the odour of benzylmercaptan, used by a colleague, stays with him long after he leaves the lab. In 1989, I worked with the many reports describing the war-time research on the chemistry of ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: June 2007


    From Peter Plesch When in 1989 I was writing the paper entitled The relation between reduction potential and solvation energy for some aryl-methylium ions, (J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 2, 1989, 1139), I needed the ionisation potentials of the tri-4-X-phenylmethyl radicals, where X = Cl, H, and MeO, as these ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: May 2007


    From Peter Plesch I wish to challenge Ted Nield’s Comment piece (Chemistry World, March 2007, p38). As chair of the Association of British Science Writers, he should know better than to lump together science and technology. Science is about finding and developing ideas about Nature in the widest ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: April 2007


    From Clifford Jones In the UK, batches of faulty petrol were recently found to have been contaminated with silicon (see p11). Burning this fuel would have formed silica (SiO2) particles which clogged the oxygen sensor at the exhaust, causing it to fail in its role in ’engine management’. ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: March 2007


    From Clive Delmonte Sir John O’Reilly’s comment on peer review covers many pertinent points, but I feel there is a further crucial aspect to consider (Chemistry World, February 2007, p36). The accepted paradigms in science are that non-experts defer to the opinion of experts, while the experts ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: February 2007


    From Peter Swindells I must disagree with my former colleague Roger Lintonbon that marine organisms can provide a sink for increasing levels of carbon dioxide (Chemistry World, January 2007, p34). Increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide does not lead to increased phytoplankton growth because it is not carbon ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: January 2007


    From Richard Schmidt Horst Hippler asks why most natural amino acids are l and most natural sugars d (Chemistry World, October 2006, p22). The answer to this question might already have been answered: selection for these enantiomers has been driven by a fundamental property of interfacial (or vicinal) water. Philippa ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: December 2006


    From Paul Davies I would like to thank the readers of Chemistry World for their assistance with our survey, investigating the mechanism of hair greying (Chemistry World, September 2006, p35). Specifically we are looking at a possible link between cessation of melanogenesis in the hair follicle and the ...

  • Opinion

    Your views...


    21st century science, the new UK GCSE programme, promises to develop scientific literacy in a societal context. Is the new teaching programme a good thing?

  • Opinion

    Letters: November 2006


    From John Haigh It is excellent to be reminded that chemistry graduates have a good grounding for a range of careers, but the salaries listed in your article confirm the sad story that some of us in education have been bemoaning for years (Chemistry World, October 2006, p68). ...

  • Opinion

    Your views...


    Physics has the origins of the universe; biology has the origins of life. But what are the 'big' scientific challenges for chemistry?

  • Opinion

    Letters: October 2006


    From Ron Denney It was a great pleasure to read the article on Research Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina, US (Chemistry World, September 2006, p62). I was fortunate enough to see the Research Triangle in its early days when it was struggling for success. At the time ...

  • Opinion

    Letters: September 2006


    From Basil Walby As a statistician, former editor of The Analyst, and now a grumpy old man, I was disappointed to see that RSC Publishing is promoting spurious precision in its advertisement in Chemistry World (July 2006, p47). Impact factors are notoriously variable, making the quotation to ...

  • Opinion

    Your views...


    Is insistence on the use of Iupac nomenclature diluting the rich traditional language of chemistry?

  • Opinion

    Letters: August 2006


    From Norman Nicolson The excellent article on serendipity missed one important event (Chemistry World, June 2006, p32). A chemist working for ICI wondered what used could be made of the blue sludge that had to be cleaned out of the bottom of the phthalimide reactor. This was made of ...

  • Opinion

    Your views...


    Which chemistry book would you take to your desert island?