Letters from Chemistry World readers – Page 8
Letters May 2013
From comments on fascinating fungus, to the discussion of spiritual science and charity in the lab.
The art of thinking
Students are too busy to think and academics won't sit still. There may be trouble ahead.
Hard day's night
Chemists' working habits seem to have little regard for office hours. Should we resist the trend toward working longer?
Martin Fleischmann (1927–2012)
A colleague recalls the achievements and personality of the electrochemist at the centre of the cold fusion debacle
Remediate with carbonate
An option for destroying stockpiles of chemical weapons seems to have been overlooked
Fracking lacking concerns
Fracking coverage must acknowledge the potential environmental impact
The unusual suspects
There are more elements in pharma than are dreamt of in Derek Lowe’s philosophy
Truth about science
Poor quality research and a lack of scientific rigour are more harmful to science than misconduct
Letters: May 2012
The article ’Making Light Work’ (Chemistry World, April 2012, p52) coincided with an alarming Daily Telegraph article relating the near-catastrophic increase in antibiotic resistance due to misuse by the NHS and in agriculture. It seems that big pharma is no longer interested in infection control for two reasons: Any ...
Grant clarity
Applicants do not help their proposals by the apparently careless way in which they sometimes present their applications
Letters: April 2012
As an affiliate member of the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC’s) peer review college, I would like to comment on the article about NERC’s intention to reduce the number of uncompetitive proposals submitted for funding (Chemistry World, March 2012, p17). For several years, I have helped in ...