All paper mills articles
Widespread signs of paper milling discovered in materials science and engineering papers
Metadata in images of scanning electron microscopes doesn’t match the make and model of the instrument in thousands of papers
Nineteen journals shut down by Wiley following delisting and paper mill problems
Issues with manufactured manuscripts are a problem the whole publishing industry faces
Publishing ethics committee warns of ‘problematic pollution’ of the scholarly record
Action required to tackle threat posed by paper mills
Materials science journal withdraws 500 papers from fake conferences
Off-topic and nonsense articles in Materials Today: Proceedings may have come from conferences that never happened, created by paper mills to ‘launder’ publications
AI picks out fake science
Textual analysis tool flags manuscripts that may have come from paper mills
800 crystallography-related papers appear to stem from one paper mill
Preprint reports questionable images in papers that are all from authors based at Chinese hospitals