All The crucible articles – Page 9

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    Crying chemistry


    Philip Ball looks at research that is beginning to explain why we cry

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    Collaboration or opportunism?


    Dutch Nobel laureate Peter Debye has been branded a Nazi collaborator, but Philip Ball suggests that the historical facts permit several interpretations

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    Financially motivated sustainability


    Philip Ball looks at the financial motivation needed to advance sustainable technology

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    Would element 137 really spell the end of the periodic table? Philip Ball examines the evidence

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    Periodic Improvements


    There is no hidden understanding to be teased out by ‘improving' the periodic table, argues Philip Ball. But Eric Scerri begs to differ

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    Cadmium colourants and 'Shrekgate'


    Philip Ball looks at the chemistry behind colourful cartoon characters served up by a fast food chain

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    Serving both music and chemistry


    Borodin wasn't such an outstanding scientist after all, says Philip Ball, but science and music are far from mutually exclusive

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    The future of crystallography


    Man and the machine: Philip Ball welcomes the age of automated chemical crystallography

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    The tell-tale test tube


    Philip Ball considers the iconic role of the humble test tube

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    Cellular career changes


    We are getting better at manipulating cells to grow into the tissues we need. Chemical factors are key, says Philip Ball

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    Superatom Musings


    Superatoms reinforce the notion that chemistry is more about electrons than elements, says Philip Ball

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    Snowflake Symmetry


    Philip Ball warms up the subject of snowflake structure

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    Scientific Reality Shows


    I'm no fan of reality TV. But watching people just going about their business can be fascinating, says Philip Ball

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    Scientific Debate


    Three chemists have resurrected the art of science debate by publishing their conversations on the nature of bonds. This is science that makes you smile, says Philip Ball

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    The scientific wrinkles of facial rejuvenation


    Could red light and green tea really give 'facial rejuvenation'? Philip Ball looks at the intriguing science behind this new claim

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    Hunger for h-index


    Philip Ball rakes through the findings of new research into the h-index and unearths some top tips for citation-hungry researchers

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    The power of salinity


    Philip Ball looks at a new device that creates energy from salinity differences between fresh and sea water

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    A nose for nanoparticles


    Zinc nanoparticles appear to have the ability to make odorants smell stronger and could a give a valuable insight into how olfaction works, says Philip Ball

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    Polyhedra of the past


    Today polyhedra speak to chemists of fullerenes and other cage molecules. But they once had a very different meaning, says Philip Ball

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    From flaws to fraud


    Philip Ball asks if fraud is a result of communication breakdowns