All History articles – Page 3
Building used by Marie Curie to be moved ‘a few dozen metres’ to make way for cancer research centre
Art deco Institut du Radium used for preparation of radioactive sources will be moved stone by stone and rebuilt
Building used by Marie Curie that was slated for demolition receives eleventh hour reprieve
Minster of Culture intervenes to save Pavillon des Sources, where radioactive material was prepared and stored by Curie and her colleagues
Outcry over plans to demolish art deco building used in Marie Curie’s and colleagues’ research
Former radioactive sources storage site slated for decontamination on 8 January to be knocked down to make way for office block
Tom Bullock’s eggnog
Raychelle Burks demonstrates how to make a classic festive cocktail – and dives into the intriguing history of a famous mixologist
The archaeologists saving Africa’s ironworking heritage
The fires of traditional African iron smelters burned out a century ago and now the researchers dedicated to uncovering their stories are disappearing from the continent too, writes Hayley Bennett
Scientists benefitted from the slave trade
The close relationship between science and slavery should not be forgotten
Hunting vampires with the help of DNA profiling
What was draining the life out of 18th and 19th century New Englanders?
Showing chemists have lives outside of science is inspirational
Human qualities, not big discoveries, are what we should seek from role models
Chemists discover new lead(II) oxide pigments in the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper
Findings provide new insight into paints used by Leonardo da Vinci
Ancient Roman glass fragment changed from green to gold over time
Photonic crystals developed naturally on 2000-year-old artefact
The classic sandwich
Ferrocene turned our understanding of structure and bonding on its head
Fifty years since the ferrocene furore
Only two of the discoverers of the sandwich compounds that revolutionised organometallic chemistry received the Nobel prize, leaving one very big name feeling left out. Mike Sutton traces the controversy
Learning lessons from the history of chemistry
What makes chemistry work? And why should we care?
Why Roman concrete is still stronger than RAAC (and other modern concretes)
Researchers are searching for ways to replicate the self-healing properties of the ancient material