Jane Crawshaw
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Tuning the pitch in helical polymers
A strategy for tuning the pitch of metal-organic helical polymers by choice of metal ion or counter anion has been demonstrated.
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A nozzle for easy introduction
Pneumatic nebuliser offers a much improved route for sample introduction
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Elemental analysis goes organic
The possibility of detecting organic compounds by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been opened up by a team of UK scientists
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Illuminating the inside of cancer cells
Fluorescence studies show up zinc complexes in human cancer cells
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Probing secondary structures
Luminescence of tethered ruthenium complexes detects self-structuration
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Structuring electrolytes in solar cells
A new approach to improve the performance of electrolytes in dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSCs) has been developed by Japanese scientists.
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The chemist's guide to.
As the Kyoto protocol comes into force will a new market in carbon emissions be effective?
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Transgenic potato boosts carotenoid levels
Bacterial gene insertion could improve pro-vitamin A activity of common staple