All Last retort articles – Page 10
Darwin's chemistry
This year marks the bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth and the sesquicentenary of his On the Origin of Species, one of the most important and influential books ever published.
Problems starting
My boyfriend continues to question why his car battery has chosen today (at -2°C) to fail
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde star in the famous story by Robert Louis Stevenson.
The musical spectrometer
O heaven, O earth, bear witness to this sound The Tempest, William Shakespeare
The first electric incandescent-filament lamp
The old carbon-filament electric lamp was essentially a fine graphite filament in a vacuum
Making holes in the opposition
In traditional warfare, you try to make holes in the opposition
Following instructions
Anyone who has any laboratory teaching experience can tell you how difficult it can be to get students to follow instructions
Starting early
My first memory of being taught chemistry is being told to learn the names of all the elements, in order.
Silly putty
When the magazine New Scientist was started in 1958, each reviewer also got a little brown sample of 'silly putty'
Life-changing chemistry
Which chemist's work has touched the most lives? Marie Curie? Louis Pasteur? Joseph Lister?
Lost in translation
From time to time I translate public relations documents on progress in science and technology