Chemistry puzzles

Science and chemistry-themed puzzles, including wordoku, quick and cryptic crosswords. Test your chemistry knowledge and puzzle-solving skills

Our top puzzle

Cryptic crossword grid 060

Cryptic chemistry crossword #060

There is a writer, and a baby bear, hiding in this cryptic chemistry crossword - can you find them? 

Cryptic crossword grid 073

Cryptic chemistry crossword #073

Do you have the gall to solve this cryptic crossword?

Cryptic crossword grid 072

Cryptic chemistry crossword #072

You deserve a break. Why not solve this cryptic crossword for a nice change of pace today?

Cryptic crossword grid 071

Cryptic chemistry crossword #071

You’ll need skills in double entendres and puns as well as chemistry to solve this cryptic crossword!

Cryptic crossword grid 070

Cryptic chemistry crossword #070

The answers to this cryptic chemistry crossword feature three animals and one mathematician - can you puzzle them out? 

Quick crossword grid 073

Quick chemistry crossword #073

Elements, acids, authors and autocrats can all be found in this quick chemistry crossword puzzle

Quick crossword grid 072

Quick chemistry crossword #072

Hopefully you’re up to date on your seaweed and insect chemistry for this quick chemistry crossword puzzle

Quick crossword grid 071

Quick chemistry crossword #071

Ligands, laws and lab equipment are all part of this quick chemistry crossword puzzle

Quick crossword grid 070

Quick chemistry crossword #070

This quick chemistry crossword has actors, physicists, chemists, poets and much more

Quick crossword grid 069

Quick chemistry crossword #069

Acronyms, Agatha Christie and artifacts all feature in this quick chemistry crossword

Wordoku grid 081

Chemistry wordoku #081

Use a mix of logic and chemistry knowledge to solve this puzzle and find the alkaloid

Wordoku grid 080

Chemistry wordoku #080

There’s a whole group of terpenes hidden in this sudoku-inspired puzzle

Wordoku grid 079

Chemistry wordoku #079

Solve this sudoku-inspired puzzle and find the textbook answer