Science and chemistry-themed puzzles, including wordoku, quick and cryptic crosswords. Test your chemistry knowledge and puzzle-solving skills
There is a writer, and a baby bear, hiding in this cryptic chemistry crossword - can you find them?
Do you have the gall to solve this cryptic crossword?
You deserve a break. Why not solve this cryptic crossword for a nice change of pace today?
You’ll need skills in double entendres and puns as well as chemistry to solve this cryptic crossword!
The answers to this cryptic chemistry crossword feature three animals and one mathematician - can you puzzle them out?
Elements, acids, authors and autocrats can all be found in this quick chemistry crossword puzzle
Hopefully you’re up to date on your seaweed and insect chemistry for this quick chemistry crossword puzzle
Ligands, laws and lab equipment are all part of this quick chemistry crossword puzzle
This quick chemistry crossword has actors, physicists, chemists, poets and much more
Acronyms, Agatha Christie and artifacts all feature in this quick chemistry crossword
Use a mix of logic and chemistry knowledge to solve this puzzle and find the alkaloid
There’s a whole group of terpenes hidden in this sudoku-inspired puzzle
Solve this sudoku-inspired puzzle and find the textbook answer