All Recruitment articles – Page 3

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    Compute with confidence


    Charlotte Ashley Roberts gives some advice on finding a job as a computational chemist and the importance of staying positive

  • Careers

    Your route to recruitment


    Three recruitment agencies tell Yfke Hager their job hunting tips, and explain how they can lend a helping hand

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    Working in isolation


    Living in rural or remote areas can make job hunting even harder. But there may be more opportunities than you think, explains Charlotte Ashley-Roberts

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    First impressions


    In today’s competitive jobs market, graduates need to get noticed. Simon Perks explains how to make a standout application

  • Careers

    Working abroad


    Working in another country affords a world of new experiences and opportunities, says Charlotte-Ashley Roberts, but there’s a lot to think about before you start packing

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    A wealth of career choices for chemists


    The sheer diversity of options for chemistry graduates can take many by surprise