Chemical industry
The latest news from across the chemistry-using industries, including pharmaceuticals, fine and speciality chemicals, agrochemicals and petrochemicals, from the Royal Society of Chemistry's magazine, Chemistry World
New type of painkiller approved in US
Sodium channel blocker prevents nerves transmitting pain signals
Putting the F in pharma
Adding fluorine to drug molecules can be tricky, but is often worthwhile. Rachel Brazil talks to the chemists trying to tame the ninth element
Far more drugs could be taken orally by formulating them with silica nanoparticles
Many more medicines could be made water soluble making taking them easier for patients
Dow to cut 1500 jobs as global chemicals industry reshapes
US firm joins other industry heavyweights in shedding jobs to cut costs
Mapping metabolite disturbances by drugs
High-throughput metabolomic profiling gives insight into unpredictable drug effects
Chemical sciences workforce growth could outstrip rest of UK over next 10 years
Royal Society of Chemistry report says support for schools, universities and industry is needed for sector to thrive
New Purdue bankruptcy deal cuts out Sacklers’ legal immunity
$7.4 billion proposal will fund support for victims of US opioid crisis
Maintaining mental balance
Finding solace from human affairs in the eypiece of a telescope or microscope
Eight workers dead in Indian munitions factory explosion
Seven others injured during incident at state-owned explosives plant
J&J’s Intra-Cellular deal could signal more mega-mergers for 2025
£15 billion deal for neuroscience biotech aims to replace revenues from patent expiries
Red 3 dye banned in US food and drugs
Additive was already banned in US cosmetics and around the world
Sharing the burden of contraception could also mean sharing the risk
What if risk assessments for contraception considered the sum of risk to both members of a couple?
On the trail of the male contraceptive pill
As multiple novel male contraception compounds enter clinical trials, is family planning about to undergo a second revolution? James Mitchell Crow reports
Robots queuing up to fail
Claims of an AI revolution in drug discovery are missing the biggest problem
The right level of trust in the scientific literature
An overreliance on what’s gone before can hinder innovation
Materials strategy for UK needs chemistry to succeed and create new industries
Ten-year plan proposed by Henry Royce Institute aims to boost productivity and support the circular economy
The promise of drugs that send proteins to the shredder
Andy Extance charts how research into revolutionary targeted protein degradation therapies is moving from serendipity to strategic discovery
Re-establishing my scientist identity in industry
How to embrace a career transition outside of academia
EPA concludes that formaldehyde presents ‘unreasonable risk’ to human health
Agency will propose new regulatory actions to reduce health risks associated with the compound’s industrial uses
US state charges Lockhart director over river chemical release
Bankrupt firm’s leader accused of endangering the public and altering public records