All data articles – Page 5
Investigation sheds light on biochemist's misconduct
Frank Sauer claimed to be the victim of sabotage, despite being found responsible for falsifying data and images
Over 90% of chemistry literature freely available at pirate site
New analysis discovers Sci-Hub holds 69% of the world’s 82 million scholarly articles
Learn more from your experiments with DoE in JMP
Learn more from your experiments using design of experiments (DoE) with JMP.
Glowing dyes move data storage beyond binary
A method to chemically save information in quaternary code using dyes could change how we approach data storage
Go west: the impact of scientist movement in Europe
Despite migration of scientists, eastern European paper output has increased
People power: EU chemical workforce and industry turnover
According to the European Chemical Industry Council, the EU chemical industry has a £450 billion turnover and some 1.1 million direct employees
Analytical data heads to the cloud
Many manufacturers were launching software instead of instruments at Pittcon
EU recommends withdrawing drugs approved on unreliable data
Indian firm Micro Therapeutic Research Labs accused of misrepresenting clinical data and documentation deficiencies
Hidden figures: where US STEM jobs have grown
The states that have seen the greatest change in STEM opportunities
Hold SME back: threats to small business growth
Finding staff is now the leading barrier to growth for UK SMEs
Ultrafast data-recording without the heat
New hard disk storage could save data centres’ money on electricity bills
Slice of Pisa: trends in global science skills
The latest Pisa scores reveal which countries excel at teaching science literacy
Time after time: how academic researchers spend their working life
The average academic researcher spends fewer than four out of every 10 working hours on research
It all adds up: chemistry courses requiring maths for entry
The UK degree courses that need maths grades
University challenge: where UK higher education gets its funding
UK universities have a net income of some £33 billion, with almost £6 billion generated in tuition fees. This has more than made up for a drop in funding and increased staff costs since 2011, with a surplus of around £2 billion for 2014/15. (Figures are in millions)Source: HESA
Citizens and science: the US cities with the most chemists per 1000 jobs
Source: US Department of Labor
Sizeable problem: how well women's safety equipment fits
Data source: ProspectAccording to a survey by Prospect, women in the UK who use personal protective equipment (PPE) rated trousers as the least likely item to provide a suitable fit. Of those working in research, 84% had worn PPE replaced by their employer, although 51% were expected to clean it ...
America's got talent: where new employees come from
Data source: Accenture / American Chemistry Council
Linked data is the future for medicinal chemistry
Paul Groth explains why linked data is starting to revolutionise medicinal chemistry