All dna synthesis articles
Painting with DNA
Fluorescently labeled DNA strands produce a palette of 16 million colours
Chemistry Nobel predictions range from organometallic chemistry to DNA synthesis
Crispr is favoured by chemists while publication analysis forecasts winners working on nanocrystals, organometallic chemistry and supramolecular self-assembly
What happens when life has a limited vocabulary?
The longest synthetic genome shows us life is more complicated than just learning your AGCs
First bacterium with a totally redesigned genome created
Designer E. coli uses a simplified genetic code to make proteins
Wanted: synthetic chemists (humans need not apply)
Automation could free chemists from tedious lab work – if they’re ready to think differently about research
Synthetic gene cost slashed to $2
DropSynth makes hundreds of strands in a single tube, boosting tests of gene function