Katia Moskvitch
- Feature
Detecting chirality
Katia Moskvitch finds out about the latest techniques to determining a molecule’s chirality
- Research
Gel to heal divide between bones and surgical implants
Material slowly releases growth hormone to aid healing and reduce rejection problems
- Research
Nanoparticle sensors detect drug damage in the liver
A new way to image reactive oxygen and nitrogen species could help rule out toxic drug candidates
- Research
Nanobionic plants
A step towards biochemical detectors for monitoring environmental conditions and, ultimately, synthetic materials that grow and repair themselves like plants
- Research
Saturn’s largest moon home to prebiotic ‘soup’
Organics dissolved in Titan’s lakes may create conditions suitable for life
- Research
Sweet success for bio-battery
Battery running on sugar holds double the energy of conventional lithium-ion batteries and could be powering phones in a matter of years
- Research
Life may have begun in a tiny water droplet
Droplet surfaces are superb chemical reactors that could have built up complex molecules that led to the first simple cells