All lasers articles – Page 2
Blood laser exposes body fluid’s molecular make-up
Optofluidic lasers may inject life into in vivo monitoring of blood components
Femtochemistry pioneer Ahmed Zewail dies
Chemistry Nobel laureate revolutionised study of reactions and was also helped craft US science policy
$1 billion x-ray laser upgrade begins at SLAC
Construction begins on world’s brightest x-ray laser
Stone 'blueprinting' to tackle heritage thefts
Technique could provide a means of tracing stolen, unmarked stones
Tattoo removers donate laser to the Vatican
A UK tattoo removal company is donating one of its lasers to help clean up sculptures in the Vatican
Ultra-bright x-rays film molecular reaction
‘Molecular movie’ provides new insight into classic ring-opening reaction
Photo-catalysts shine light on chemical bond making
Femtosecond laser pulse used to control the formation of magnesium dimers
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