All space exploration articles
Astronomical spectroscopy: understanding the complex chemistry hidden between the stars
Find out how scientists are resolving the chemistry of the gaps between the stars and planets
Uranus: exploring the ice-cold chemistry of the ‘frozen frontier’
Find out why scientists are planning a new space mission to explore the planetary ice giant Uranus
Exploring the space economy
In the words of Jean-Luc Picard, ‘things are only impossible until they are not’
Molecular complexity index could help find proof of alien life
Is it microbes on Venus or just lifeless planetary processes? Discovery could help scientists identify life on other planets
Robots in Space: The Secret Lives of Our Planetary Explorers
The fantastic space adventures of Perseverance and its cousins
Black Hole Survival Guide
Like a brain-twisting introductory physics lecture, but in the best way
Dr Space Junk vs The Universe: Archaeology and the Future
Space archaeologist Alice Gorman explores the cultural significance of the things we have left behind
Gallium arsenide
Brian Clegg introduces gallium arsenide – the supercar of the semiconductor scene
BepiColombo satellites begin journey to Mercury
Mission hopes to shed some light on processes that may have shaped the early Earth
The space barons: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the quest to colonize the cosmos
A book that aims to take readers into the lives and minds of two of the most powerful men in the world
What it takes to make a new element
Yuri Oganessian tells us how nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson were made
Exoplanets are our final frontier
Chemists will be integral to the hunt for biosignatures on distant worlds