Zhenan Bao: 'We just had to dream big'

An illustrated portrait of Zhenan Bao

Source: © Peter Strain @ Début Art

The flexible electronics maven talks about science’s biggest problem, orchids and Campbell’s chicken noodle soup

George Whitesides is one of my scientific heroes. I have always been so inspired by how he is able to apply chemistry in such creative, smart ways to different, broad areas. The interdisciplinary nature of his work is what I love. And he doesn’t stay with just one subject all his career. He is not afraid to go into new areas. I also really admire the chemistry that Bert Meijer develops – how he really understands self-assembly and supramolecular chemistry, and applies it to stimulus responsive materials.

I don’t have a lot of hobbies – I have two kids, so they keep me very busy. But when I have time I enjoy growing Phalaenopsis orchids – but not professionally. Initially they always ended up dying because I watered them too much. Now that I know this issue I only water them twice a month and they grow much better.