Short items
- Applications are invited for the 2006 IUPAC-Richter prize in medicinal chemistry. The prize is awarded to an internationally recognised scientist, preferably a medicinal chemist, whose activities or publications have made an outstanding contribution to the practice of medicinal chemistry or to an outstanding example of new drug discovery. The deadline for applications is 31 March. For more information email:
- The EPSRC is looking for participants for a scoping workshop on energy research and international development to be held on 10 May at Scarman House, Warwick University. The event will lead to the formation of one or more research consortia in cross-cutting themes. Only those who attended the workshop will be eligible to apply for research consortia funding as the principal investigator. The deadline for applications is 26 April 2006.
- The ?6 million climate challenge fund is open for applications. Organisations undertaking climate change communications activity in England between summer 2006 and February 2007 can apply for grants of over ?5000 from the fund. The fund is part of the Climate Change Communication Initiative. Applications from the website.
- The Carbon Trust, Angle and SETsquared are developing a low-carbon technology network for startups in the sector. The network will be developed through a series of events, the first of which is on 20 April 2006 at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. The aim of the event is to raise awareness of the existing business support infrastructure available to entrepreneurs in this sector. Email:
- A centre of excellence for researchers in pharmaceutical sciences is being set up with funding from the EPSRC. It will be based at the University of Nottingham’s school of pharmacy and is being set up in partnership with AstraZeneca.
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