All pregnancy articles
mRNA therapy might one day treat deadly pre-eclampsia in pregnant women
Therapy helped pregnant mice to regrow placental blood vessels
Relying on the h-index harms the careers of people who take career breaks
More holistic methods are needed to accurately assess the quality of a researcher’s work
Documenting hazards in the lab for pregnant chemists
After failing to find the safety information they needed, two pregnant chemists began a project to review hazards in labs
Study finds 55 previously unreported chemicals in pregnant women and newborns
Two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances discovered along with 53 other compounds never seen before in the literature
Telemedicine abortion provider locks horns with US drug regulator
Food and Drug Administration urged to take action against abortion charity by US politicians
When evidence isn’t enough
The UK debate over folic acid highlights science’s role in public health ethics
Uproar over chemical exposure advice for pregnant women
Opinion paper published by the Royal Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists provokes strong reaction
Folic acid
Concerns about folic acid deficiencies, especially in pregnant women, have led to fortification of some grains, flours and bread, but this varies from country to country