All smoking articles
Risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis doubled by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure
Study examined link between PAHs, phthalates, plasticisers and smoking and the condition
Gut bacterium found to destroy nicotine offers liver health benefits for smokers
Discovery might lead to therapy for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Biomarkers reveal ancient history of tobacco smoking in the Pacific Northwest
Stone pipe residues suggest wild tobacco was smoked for centuries before the arrival of Euro-American settlers
Zeolite filters out carcinogens to make tastier smoked foods
Technology can remove up to 93% of polyaromatic hydrocarbons produced by the smoking process
Nanoparticles mimic enzyme to reduce toxins in cigarette smoke
Cigarette filters containing copper nanoparticles could reduce the harmful effects of smoking
The cannabis consultant
Ezra Pryor shares how chemists can find a job in the expanding legal cannabis industry in the US
Going up in vapour
As research suggests that e-cigarettes may expose vapers to harmful chemicals, Rebecca Trager finds that governments are catching up with regulations
Drawing on drugs to kick the habit
While pharma companies stand accused of giving up on drugs to help people stop smoking, tobacco firms are looking at controversial nicotine replacement products. Anthony King surveys an area that is problematic on all sides.