All young chemists articles
14-year-old chemist is newest member of University of Michigan lab
Daniel Liu is youngest ever member of Melanie Sanford’s group
How to put together a research proposal
The five points researchers should remember when pitching for funds
Quotas proposed to back younger US researchers
Legislator wants National Institutes of Health to reduce median age of first-time grantees to 38 by 2025
High unemployment in Europe drives brain drain
Andy Extance finds out how economic woes in southern European countries’ are affecting young chemists
Chemistry - The next generation
How can we attract, educate, inspire and retain the brightest and best?
Climbing the ladder
Simon Perks gets some tips to help early career chemists survive in academia
A gap in the market
With a little luck and a lot of hard work, young entrepreneurs can turn ideas into careers. Emma Davies meets some graduates who are setting out and starting up
The future of medicine
A medicinal chemistry course that’s giving students a real taste of pharma - failure, frustration and all