All applied research articles
Billionaire professor donates ‘transformative’ sum to protein science institute
$210 million endowment from entrepreneur and Moderna investor Tim Springer will support ongoing research
Shinzo Abe leaves a mixed legacy for Japanese science
While applied research has been boosted there are complaints that fundamental work has suffered
Chemists don't think their field is innovative enough
Nearly 80% of chemists polled by Reaxys think people are drawn towards more ‘newsworthy’ research
Canada invests in basic science
Government to inject half a billion dollars into fundamental research through discovery grants, scholarships and fellowships
Fundamental science falling by the wayside in Canada
Basic science has suffered as a focus on applied research has seen funding dry up and researchers focus on commercial work
Forget tax credits, fund applied research
Thinktank says hundreds of millions of pounds of tax breaks are going to city business firms and would be better spent elsewhere
Canada’s research council is open – for business
Government plans to turn scientific body into a ‘tool for industry’ leading to fears basic research will be sidelined