How to win a poster competition

How to... Present a poster at a scientific conference

Source: © Royal Society of Chemistry / MPP Image Creation

The do’s and don’ts of impressing with your research

Scientific posters are a great way to engage colleagues at conferences, providing a visual route into research. They can be used to facilitate discussions, spark new ideas, and introduce scientists to areas of research they are unfamiliar with. But while producing a good poster may seem like child’s play, in reality it takes a considerable amount of effort to pull off.

We spoke to Matthew Baker, chemistry lecturer at the University of Strathclyde, and Craig Banks, professor of electrochemical and nanotechnology at Manchester Metropolitan University, who co-organise the RSC’s Twitter poster conference series. Alongside judge Karen Faulds, a professor of chemistry also from the University of Strathclyde, they told us what they believe makes the perfect poster.