All drug delivery articles
How natural nanomotors could propel new drug delivery systems
Biological cells including bacteria, sperm cells and microalgae show promise for precision treatments
Tiny delivery systems for cancer drugs
Encapsulating anticancer agents in nanoparticles can make them gentler on the rest of the body. Clare Sansom reports
‘Self-inflating’ synthetic cells can capture, store and release cargo
Entirely artificial system can use chemical energy to ‘swallow’ payloads like bacteria
Ingestible COF that delivers insulin could help diabetics duck injections
When blood glucose levels are high, glucose displaces insulin loaded in the framework
Suit of iron turns sperm cells into spermbots
Microrobots that swim under the influence of a magnetic field could one day be used to deliver drugs
Edible MOF sugar-coats painkiller
When ibuprofen is encapsulated in a sugar-based MOF its effects last twice as long
Intracellular delivery
Drugs that can enter cells and take useful payloads with them are maturing, finds Andy Extance
Droplet printing assembles soft networks
New 3D printing technique vastly scales up droplet networks, opening up new potential applications from soft robotics to drug delivery