All air conditioning articles
Phase-changing crystals could cut air-conditioning’s climate impact
Organic ionic plastic crystals show a ’colossal’ entropy change when undergoing a pressure-induced phase transition
System combines salt and sunlight for off-grid cooling
Dissolution cooling and solute regeneration work together in renewable-energy driven process
The whitest white paint ever is also the coolest
New paint formulation that reflects up to 98.1% of sunlight can rival the cooling power of air conditioners
Super-wood offers way to create air con that doesn’t need power
Buildings covered in densified wood ‘super-material’ could cut cooling’s carbon footprint
Cool MOF could make for greener air con
A porous material could unlock water’s cooling potential in energy-efficient fridges and air conditioners
Paint achieves seemingly impossible by cooling buildings in direct sun
Coating offers a route to zero-carbon air conditioning
UK urged to crack down on F-gas emissions
Global phase-out of HFCs could reduce global warming by 0.5°C over the next century
Film printed by the metre can cool homes without any power
Material can reflect sun’s ray and emit heat for cheap air conditioning