Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Once an academic...


    Does settling on a career in academia mean you've closed off all alternative options in the future? Of course not, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Never too old


    Age is no barrier to career progression. Just stay up to date, re-jig your CV and brush up on the latest interview techniques before making your move, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Pharma's market


    The job market in the pharmaceutical sector is competitive, but that's no reason to rule out a career change. Caroline Tolond looks at the options

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Bench to bedside


    There are plenty of options for pharmaceutical researchers thinking about moving into the healthcare sector, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Self promotion


    The CV that has suited your current employers might need some rejigging before you send it elsewhere. Caroline Tolond shows you how

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Career building


    With companies advertising fewer job vacancies, it's time to network like never before, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Reaching out


    Planning a move into science outreach? First, build a portfolio of voluntary work, advises Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Move to Canada


    Many dream of leaving the UK behind and Canada is a tempting destination. Caroline Tolond advises on how to prepare for such a life-changing move

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: A legal move


    Switching to a career in the legal profession will require extensive - and expensive - training but a science background can be a useful asset, says Caroline Tolond

  • News

    Careers clinic: Work-life balance


    Changing the balance between your work and family life first requires some deep thought, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Graduate recruitment


    There's no denying that it's a difficult time to get your first job after graduation but stay positive and open-minded and you'll surely be rewarded, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: CVs for postdocs


    Academic CVs are always lengthy but it's important to know where to put the detail and what to miss out, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Transition into teaching


    If you are thinking of moving into teaching, it's worth first examining your motives and work shadowing a teacher, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Great leap forward


    Is it worth doing an MBA to help with the move into management? Caroline Tolond weighs up the pros and cons

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Let's talk science


    If you are interested in a career in science communication, whether public engagement or science writing, it pays to get experience first, advises Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: A fresh start


    Whether you're choosing a degree course or looking for a career change, it's vital that ask yourself what you enjoy doing and what makes you tick, advises Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: A safe move


    Jobs in health and safety often appeal to those wishing to leave the lab. It's not an easy move, but experience or qualifications can make it smoother, explains Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Leap into consultancy


    No matter what stage you're at in your career, you'll need to do your homework before working as a consultant, writes Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: Planning ahead


    Now, more than ever, is the time to proactively manage your career, says Caroline Tolond

  • Careers

    Careers clinic: The CV question


    CV fashions come and go, and what's good in the UK might not be right for the US. Here are some invaluable pointers from Caroline Tolond.

More by Caroline Tolond