All database articles
Incorrect pKa values have slipped into chemical databases and could distort drug design
Confusion in zwitterionic compounds leads to misrepresented data in widely used repositories such as ChEMBL
Plastic recycling studies need reliable polymer data. This database is ready to inform them
Database set to support recycling research by detailing the chemical composition and physical properties of 59 polymers from common commercial vendors
Online resources for chemists
A selection of tools, databases and advice sites to support your research
New database maps plastic chemical exposure and human health effects
Minderoo Foundation’s Plastic Health Map tracking studies on polymers, bisphenols, PFAS and more from 1961 onwards, finds research gaps
Scientists hope to illuminate unknown human proteins with new public database
‘Unknome’ database contains thousands of understudied proteins
A three step strategy to make your research more sustainable
How chemistry data can make your reactions greener
Gigantic database of building blocks will help artificial intelligence uncover new organocatalysts
Publicly available dataset containing thousands of structures could help chemists develop data-driven reaction optimisation methods for organic synthesis
Painstakingly curated perovskite database of over 40,000 devices set to speed up solar research
Gargantuan task of manually curating huge open-access platform could pay dividends by accelerating the discovery of new photoactive materials
Rebooted chemical safety database now hosted by CAS
ACS data division partnership gives crowd-sourced reaction hazard library a more accessible and scalable platform
Database offers another way to search for drugs – by activity not structure
Dataset offers new way for biomedical researchers to identify potential drug candidates
Open access Atlas maps out microbial natural products
Project aims to accelerate research on microbial metabolites
Industry delves into the digital toolbox
Chemical companies are making their plants and processes increasingly digital, data-driven and interconnected
Chemical safety database gets American Chemical Society and Iupac backing
Library of hazardous reactions and lab near misses has found partners to develop it and help keep it afloat
Successor to Chemical Database Service to be hosted by Southampton–STFC partnership
New service aims to expand the number of databases hosted in 2019
Why you should care about Fair data
The benefits of findable, accessible, interoperable and re-useable information
India creates national drugs database to address supply and quality issues
Regulatory body takes steps to reform how it manages and monitors pharmaceuticals
Tracker to name and shame for failure to report clinical trial results
Developers of online tool hope that it will improve accountability
Database offers free access to previously secret chemical data
ToxicDocs allows users to retrieve millions of internal corporate and trade group pages on chemical toxicity
200 years of Gmelin’s handbook
2017 marks 200 years since Leopold Gmelin first published his influential handbook – and it’s still going strong, as Mike Sutton discovers