All Harry Kroto articles
With departments and courses facing closures UK chemistry needs a new hero
Harry Kroto’s star status helped to save the subject 20 years ago
Take nobody’s word for it
Sceptic communities should question their own biases toward peer review
Thirty years on new home sought for Kroto’s Nobel-winning samples
Piece of chemistry history at Sussex could form heart of outreach centre
Should I help make fullerenes if people are going to eat them?
The ethics of getting involved in products with unproven claims
A nanocarbon revolution
Twenty years on from the Nobel prize for fullerenes chemists pay tribute to the field Harry Kroto helped to launch
Letters: August 2016
You tell us what Ingrid Bergman was up to in a Welsh mine and highlight the career of Roger Taylor
Nobel prize winner and buckyball discoverer Harry Kroto dies
Former Royal Society of Chemistry president with a passion for science communication passes away aged 76
Predicted penta-graphene falls flat
New simulations suggest it may be impossible to ever synthesise the pentagonal form of graphene
Confirmation of buckyballs in the Milky Way
Gas-phase spectra clears up decades old mystery of unidentified absorption bands in our galaxy
Astana, Kazakhstan
On paper, a move to Kazakhstan was going to be liberating for Raymond Whitby, but the reality is a new set of challenges, as Emma Davies discovers