All membranes articles – Page 2
Turing patterned membrane takes on water purification
Mathematician Alan Turing’s sole chemistry paper inspires self-assembling spotted and striped polymer structures
Nanotube water channelling claims challenged
Results from 2017 paper raise questions over the flow rates of water through nanotubes
Fresh water and electricity out of the blue
Hybrid system produces steam and electricity from saltwater
Nanogenerator helps turn the tide on ‘blue’ energy
Atom thick sheets can generate electricity where salt and fresh water mix
Opening the gated membrane floodgates
A layer of liquid creates switchable, anti-fouling membranes for water purification, biofuel processing and lab-on-chip applications
Synthetic stomach membrane to minimise animal tests
Researchers strive to replace lab animals with hydrogel models
Peptide glue may have held first protocell components together
Association between RNA and primitive membranes 4 billion years ago thought to have kick-started life could have been mediated by peptides
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