The colouring book celebrating diversity in science

An illustration showing a woman holding a bow with a syring at the end of the arrow

Source: © Alex Green

Reimagining scientists as superheroes

Superheroes have long captured the imagination of children in the pages of comic books and on screen. Magical powers, bright capes, superhuman strength and a sense of adventure are all part of their enduring appeal. Science historian and writer Kit Chapman conjured a plan to emulate this excitement, but for real-life scientists.

‘I remember as a kid, I used to love doing colouring books, but I could never find something to do with science or history or something that I was really interested in,’ Chapman explains.

He was inspired by Semarhy Quiñones’ beautiful colouring book Types of Scientists: A Coloring Book for All Ages, which brings science careers to life through line drawings of women in an A–Z of different roles. Chapman wanted to ‘take this a step further’ by reimagining scientists as superheroes in his Stem Heroes project.