All pollinators articles
Bees’ static buzz triggers release of floral fragrance
Discovery reveals new nuances in pollination
Pollen-mimicking antidote saves bees after pesticide exposure
Calcium carbonate microparticles deliver detoxifying enzyme to bees’ guts
Drone blows clouds of pollen laden bubbles that could help farmers out
Automated bubble-firing drones could pollinate crops when insects numbers are down
Garden centre plants may pose pesticide threat to bees
Insecticides on ornamental UK plants found at levels known to have an impact on pollinators
Seductive sulfurs woo wasps
Amorous insect pollinators caught in the act with (methylthio)phenols
UK crops at risk if EU pesticide ban expanded
Agricultural research institute calls for unbiased research on pesticides linked to bee decline
Hydrogen isotopes reveal butterflies’ journey across the Sahara
Painted lady butterflies shown to migrate thousands of miles from Europe to Sub-Saharan Africa
Thousands of pollinators at risk of extinction
Global assessment says pesticides are partly to blame for endangering bees and other pollinators
Court rejects US approval of sulfoxaflor pesticide
Environmental Protection Agency’s approval of an insecticide that shares similarities with neonicotinoids revoked
US targets neonicotinoid use in pollinator plan
Obama’s new strategy to promote pollinator health includes re-evaluating neonicotinoid pesticides