Short items

Physical chemistry (3rd edition)

Robert Mortimer 

Burlington, MA, US: Academic Press 2008 | 1395pp | ?65.99 (HB) ISBN 9780123706171 

This basic physical chemistry book consists of four sections: thermodynamics and the macroscopic description of physical systems; dynamics; the molecular nature of matter; and the reconciliation of the macroscopic and molecular theories of matter. Core applications of physical chemistry have been added to this third edition, along with more recent developments in the theories of chemical reaction kinetics and molecular quantum mechanics, as well as in the experimental study of extremely rapid chemical reactions. 

Quantum chemistry (2nd edition)

Donald McQuarrie 

Sausalito, CA, US: University Science Books 2008 | 690pp | ?52.99 (HB) ISBN 9781891389504 

This new edition of Quantum chemistry  , first published in 1983, has been updated throughout, especially covering quantum chemistry computer programs such as Gaussian and WebMo, and encouraging the use of programs such as MathCad and Mathematica to perform calculations. This new edition also includes a series of refresher ’mathchapters’ on such topics as vectors, matrices, determinants etc to help students focus on the physical principles being explained, rather than struggling with the underlying mathematics.  

Polymer chemistry (7th edition)

Charles Carraher 

Boca Raton, FL, US: CRC Press 2008 | 738pp | ?39.99 (HB) ISBN 9781420051025 

This new edition of a standard work on polymer chemistry includes new chapters on composites, fibres, and naturally occurring polymers in plants and animals. It also highlights nanoscale polymer applications, with new sections on drug discovery and design, electronics, optical fibres, textiles, biodegradable materials, smart materials and adhesives. 

Chemistry for environmental and earth sciences

Catherine Duke and Craig Williams 

Boca Raton, FL, US: CRC Press 2008 | 230pp | ?24.99 (SB) ISBN 9780849339349 

This book introduces the essential science and chemistry concepts and issues for environmental and earth scientists, including those doing subsidiary courses in these subjects. It is easy to read and assumes only very basic chemistry and even less maths.  

This textbook divides its content into four intuitive chapters: fire, earth, water, and air. The first chapter explains classical concepts in chemistry that occur in nature such as atomic and molecular structures, chemical bonding and reactions, states of matter, phase transitions, and radioactivity. Subsequent chapters focus on the chemistry relating to the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, including the chemical aspects of soil, water, and air pollution, respectively. The book includes many worked examples, case studies and self-assessment questions to illustrate the general principles and reinforce the material covered. 

Molecular electronics from principles to practice 

Michael Petty 

Chichester, UK: John Wiley  2007 | 517pp | ?120.00 ISBN 9780470013083 

This book provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary subject of molecular electronics (or plastic electronics, as many refer to it) - a subject that exploits the electronic and optoelectronic properties of organic and biological materials. Areas of application and potential application range from chemical and biological sensors to plastic light-emitting displays. The book ends with a chapter on bioelectronics which explores how some biological processes (nucleic acid replication, transcription and translation; membrane transport; photobiology and molecular motors) might be exploited in molecular electronic devices in such areas as optical memories and energy conversion.