This is one of those timely books that does not leave you empty-handed

Catalysis: concepts and green applications

Gadi Rothenberg 

Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH 2008 | 279 pp | ?45.00 (HB) ISBN 9783527318247 

Reviewed by Rafael Luque 

This is one of those timely books that does not leave you empty-handed. When I first got the book and opened it I thought to myself ’okay, another catalysis book’. To my delight, the more I read the book the more interested and surprised I was.  

It is indeed a perfect balanced monograph that contains equal pieces of information about all the different types of catalysis including the basics, homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysis with the icing being a chapter devoted to computer applications in catalysis research. 

Catalysis: concepts and green applications is written clearly and all sections are well explained for beginners in the catalysis field. The figures are intuitive and easy to comprehend. 

The book is primarily focused on green chemistry, which adds value to the environmentalist buyer who will benefit from both the clarity and content of the book as well as the incorporated sustainable aspects. 

The inclusion of various exercises in each chapter (with online available answers) is a fresh and smart idea that helps the reader going through the book, making it even more attractive. 

In summary, this book should be a must have in the collection of any undergraduate or recent graduate (catalytic) chemist as well as to the general public interested in catalysis with a minimum chemistry background.