All biocides articles

  • Closeup of the hands of someone with pink nail polish applying hand sanitiser

    Public health put at risk by mooted EU classification of ethanol as reprotoxic


    Medical professionals are warning that the move could ban vital ethanol disinfectants and hand gels

  • A surgeon dabs antiseptic onto a patient's skin before surgery



    An antimicrobial compound that kills bacteria and viruses quickly – found in some of the most colourful antiseptic solutions 

  • An image showing the spraying of crops in Kenya

    Building a biological biocide


    Aqualution Systems produces stable hypochlorous acid, a natural biocide up to 300 times more effective than bleach

  • Worker washing ship hull at drydock

    Antifouling coatings cling to copper


    Copper coatings keep ships clear from unwanted sea life but environmental concerns mean some are keen to move away from the metal. Can it be replaced?

  • Jennifer Longyear

    Marine paint innovation


    Nina Notman visits the AkzoNobel site in Gateshead and meets the scientists designing the next generation of environmentally-friendly marine paints

  • World-Chemistry-fracking-figure_630m

    Making fracking greener


    A chemically-responsive non-toxic fracturing fluid that generates its own overpressure

  • Ants spraying each other with formic acid

    Formic acid


     Duncan McMillan explains the history of this effective biocide

  • Podcast

    February 2012


    Chemistry World podcast - February 20121.07 - Determining the age of bloodstains using fluorescence 3.51 - Magnetic nanoparticles to remove cadmium from blood 6.07 - Paul Bertsch discusses using worms to investigate the effects of silver nanoparticles in the environment12.12 - Controlling termite populations with nanoparticle technology15.04 - Listening to ...

  • News

    Controlling termites with nanoparticles


    Silica nanoparticles could help exterminate entire termite colonies

  • Business

    Business roundup: January 2012


    Pharmaceutical Mental health drug use up More than one fifth of adults in the US took a mental health drug of some kind in 2010, according to a new report. The authors from Medco Health Solutions, a US pharmacy services company, found that use was higher for women than for ...

  • Business

    Business roundup: August 2011


    Companies making moves into Russia Several companies have made recent moves into Russia. Novartis has started building a new manufacturing site in St Petersburg. The site - to be completed by 2014 - will produce generic as well as branded drugs and create 350 jobs for local people. Novartis says ...

  • News

    Massive payout for 'toxic sofa' victims


    £20 million in payouts to people injured by dimethyl fumarate in leather sofas made in China

  • News

    1 December 2005: Bird flu puts African biocide on world stage


    A broad-spectrum biocide marketed in South Africa for over 10 years is going global with the help of US chemical company Dow.

  • News

    10 August 2005: Behind the scenes at the chocolate factory


    The 'chocolate' in the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory looks fun to swim in, but isn't as tasty as the real thing and is surprisingly difficult to make.

  • Review

    Biocide bible


    Directory of microbicides for the protection of materials: a handbook

  • News

    27 May 2005: Banning bacteria at the bedside


    A bedside cabinet with antimicrobial properties has been designed to help prevent the spread of MRSA in hospitals.