Happy 60th birthday, Nasa

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walking on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 mission

Source: © NASA

The space agency has come a long way - but its best may be yet to come

Our features editor hates the word ‘iconic’: it’s trite, overused and doesn’t really mean anything. But, for the past 60 years, one scientific organisation has captured the public’s imagination like few others: the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Nasa, for short.

Last month, the Earth’s premier space-botherers (with apologies of Elon Musk) celebrated their diamond anniversary, marking a storied history that has pushed the boundaries of human knowledge. It’s a tale that’s been writ large on the cinema screen numerous times, from The Right Stuff and Hidden Figures to Apollo 13 and the newly-released First Man, as well as inspiring countless more fanciful space-faring adventures (The Martian is great; avoid Space Cowboys).