All articles by Chemistry World – Page 14
Alfred Bader: Adventures of a chemist collector
Sigma-Aldrich founder Alfred Bader published his autobiography
Chemistry World podcast – July 2015
We ask, does graphene live up to the hype, and discuss injectable electronics that unfold in the brain
Chemistry World podcast – June 2015
What makes food sweet? How do we protect against food alteration? New e-paper, and possible treatment for ebola
Letters: June 2015
The value of PhDs, defending the defence scientists and retention problems in teaching
Flashback: 1970 – Meldola medal for Peter Atkins
Peter Atkins was awarded the 1969 Meldola medal for his work in theoretical chemistry
Chemistry World podcast – May 2015
We find out how nanotoxicology could be holding back development, and ask if ‘patent or perish’ should be the new academic adage
Flashback: 1985 – studying as a prisoner-of-war
How prisoners during the Second World War were able to study for chemistry degrees
Chemistry World podcast – April 2015
How do you smell? We discuss a controversial theory about odour detection, and investigate forensic toxicology
Flashback: 1970 – the Scientific Societies Lecture Theatre
The Scientific Societies Lecture Theatre in Savile Row, London, was used for RSC lectures for many years
Chemistry World podcast – March 2015
How cephalopods teach chemists about camouflage, and new ways to convert carbon dioxide into useful materials
Flashback: 1985 – a new society emerges
The Metals Society and the Institution of Metallurgists merged to form a new learned society
Chemistry World podcast - February 2015
Cannabis, peanuts and explosive investigations – all in the February 2015 Chemistry World podcast
Flashback: 1970 – meeting the Chemical Notation Association
The UK chapter of the Chemical Notation Association met for the first time
Chemistry World podcast - January 2015
How a new nanoparticle iron supplement can treat anaemia, and a run down of chemists in the new year honours