Heterogeneous catalysis
The latest chemistry news and research on heterogeneous catalysis, including photocatalysis, nanomaterials, mechanochemistry and electrochemistry, from the Royal Society of Chemistry's magazine, Chemistry World
Electron microscopy reveals how ruthenium reordering boosts hydrogen production from ammonia
Self-improvement process sees ruthenium clusters transition from amorphous shapes to truncated nanopyramids
New catalytic strategies boost alkene synthesis
Photocatalyst makes complex alkenes from acids, alkanes or alcohols, while a ‘phase-pure’ iron catalyst reduces unwanted Fischer–Tropsch waste products
Catalyst uses electricity to convert carbon dioxide into methane
Acting at the gas-liquid-solid interface to permit carbon dioxide and water to react, the catalyst achieves 80% efficiency
A new gold standard in selective nitrobenzene hydrogenation
Reaction proceeds through a previously unidentified mechanism
The catalyst speedup toolkit
A rundown of the various strategies scientists are exploring to cheat the Sabatier limit
How a new strategy aims to break the catalytic speed limit
The Sabatier principle normally defines the maximum reaction rate enabled by catalyst materials, but scientists now think that they can go even faster, explains Andy Extance
A sneak peek at the atomic secrets of copper-catalysed electroreduction of carbon dioxide
Probing reaction in real-time offers ways to improve conversion of greenhouse gas into fuels and feedstocks
Plastic waste and CO2 converted into hydrogen and feedstock chemical using sunlight
PET acts as electron donor for photocatalytic process that produce syngas and chemical feedstock
Nanoparticles poison single-atom cross coupling catalyst
In a classic heterogeneous palladium catalyst, less than 1% of metal does 99% of catalytic work
Plasmonic catalyst smashes record for reducing vital chemical feedstock
Chalcogenide catalyses reduction of nitroaromatics used in everything from paints, plastics and pharmaceuticals
Photocatalyst couples denitrification and water splitting to manage nitrate pollution
Hydrogen gas generated in situ serves as reducing agent
Glass catalysis screening study prompts reactionware rethink
Base-catalysed reactions are up to 1000 times faster in the presence of glass
Photocatalytic system mimics sunflowers by bending towards light
Phototropism boosts photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide production
Photocatalytic process picks out precious metals from waste electronics
Silver, gold, platinum and palladium can be retrieved sequentially from circuit boards and catalytic convertors
Katritzky reaction rate turbocharged by glassware
Amine transfer reaction can be sped up as much as 33 times by the presence of glass
Your new labmate does 700 reactions in eight days – and it’s a robot
Robotic chemist optimises water-splitting photocatalyst by working continuously for eight days even in complete darkness
Solar-powered water purification
Majico’s photocatalytic water kiosks are increasing access to affordable drinking water in Tanzania
Grinding out single-atom catalysts made simple by ball mill
No compromise on quality of heterogeneous catalysts made on kilogram scale
Chemists taken aback as dinitrogen found to speed up some reactions
Warnings that nitrogen should no longer be considered just an inert carrier gas
Vanishing polymer delivers devices that decompose on demand
US researchers design a polymer that can dissolve after use, either remotely or automatically