All hydrogen sulfide articles
First potential antidote for hydrogen sulfide poisoning created
A novel molecule can work as a multi-gas antidote providing potential treatment for carbon monoxide, cyanide and hydrogen sulfide poisoning
Maintenance error led to deadly hydrogen sulfide leak
Workers opened live pipework 1.5m away from intended work site
Fatal hydrogen sulfide leak at US Pemex refinery under investigation
Mexican oil company faces multiple lawsuits after gas leak killed two and injured dozens more
Workers killed in two US incidents, with several others hospitalised
H2S exposure at a sugar refining plant and a fire at a metal hardening plant each led to one worker death
11 dead after toxic gas leak in India
Victims were instantly overwhelmed by gas, which left high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in air
Fatal hydrogen sulfide leak at US waste treatment plant
One worker killed and four others injured at US Ecology site in Ohio
Active volcano’s carbon emissions sampled by drones
Volcanic gas monitoring could help to predict future eruptions and understand the impacts of climate change
Engineered yeast can remove heavy metals from wastewater
Easy storage and rapid growth could see yeast compete with bacterial and chemical remediation
The deadly domino effect
People trying to save victims of gas poisoning can suffer tragic consequences
Hydrogen sulfide surprises as it's discovered to have hydrogen bonds
Nobel laureate Linus Pauling was wrong – H2S does form hydrogen bonds after all
Rotten egg smell surrounds Uranus
Seventh planet’s topmost cloud layer is composed of hydrogen sulfide
Fossil isotopes reveal life’s diversity 3.5 billion years ago
Early microbes evolved distinct metabolisms based around hydrogen sulfide and methane
Ocean chemistry changes triggered Earth's greatest extinction event
The Great Dying 250 million years ago has its roots in the intrusion of deadly sulfide rich waters into oxygenated shallows with lessons for today