Nobel laureates urge Argentina’s new president to reverse science cuts

Javier Milei

Source: © Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

68 Nobel laureates, including more than 20 who won the chemistry prize, warn that Javier Milei’s policies will hurt the country

Nearly 70 Nobel prize winners from around the world, almost a third of whom won the prize for chemistry, are urging Argentina’s new president, Javier Milei, to restore funding to the country’s science and technology budgets, warning that Argentina’s future depends on it.

Milei, a hard right populist who took office in December, promised during his campaign to eliminate the country’s science ministry and dissolve the government agency known as the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Conicet) that funds almost all research at Argentinian universities. Milei’s election back in November left Argentina’s scientific community extremely concerned but hoping for the best, but it appears that he is making good on his pre-election promises.