Nyquist’s frequency

Harry Nyquist

Source: © AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives

The waves of creativity that underlie much of today’s technology

It drives me crazy when people refer to the ‘arts’ as being creative. Is the implication that science and technology is a desert of enforced intellectual servitude? Someone who lived in a hive of technical creativity was Harry Nyquist, one of the founders of information theory, whose ideas underpin most of the tech we use today.

Nyquist was born in a small village in Sweden in 1889, one of seven siblings. Along with many other Scandinavians, his family emigrated to the fertile plains of the middle west of the United States, a cultural milieu made famous by Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon Days and the Cohen brothers’ film Fargo: stoic communities of farmers who sought comfort through hard work and quiet religious observance.