All PET articles
Recycling plastic with enzymes
Carbios can return even hard-to-recycle polyester fibres and textiles to their constituent monomers
Bio-based plastics compete for space
From drop-in replacements to new polymers, what role will renewable materials play in a sustainable future?
Mixed plastic waste converted into useful materials in dual chemical–biological approach
Process can convert polystyrene, PET and polyethylene waste into chemical feedstocks
AI-engineered enzyme eats entire plastic containers
Enzyme with only five amino acid alterations depolymerises 51 different PET products faster and at lower temperature than other proteins
Fully automated synthesis of fluorine-18 PET tracers
Making radioisotopes suitable for positron emission tomography
Transforming PET imaging with silicon
Fuzionaire Diagnostics can add Si–18F radiolabels to a variety of molecules quickly, easily and cheaply
Automated fluorine radiolabelling moves closer to the clinic
New technique could improve tumour diagnosis and treatment
Plastic-eating bacteria show way to recycle plastic bottles sustainably
Two bacterial enzymes can break up PET polymer into its building blocks
Building better bottles
Catalytic Technologies wants to replace antimony catalysts in polyester production with safer, more active titanium
Coca-Cola collaborates on bio-PET project
Global drinks giant Coca-Cola is teaming up with Ford, Heinz, Nike and Procter & Gamble to increase the use of bio-based polyethylene terephthalate
Ethylene glycol
From polyester fibres to antifreeze, this little molecule makes it all possible