Steve Down
- Research
Single catalyst for oxidation and reduction of water
A cobalt-based catalyst designed to produce hydrogen by electrosplitting water can be reversibly switched to produce oxygen.
- Research
Flu fighters are wired
Silicon nanowire detector can spot tiny amounts of the flu virus in exhaled breath in just minutes
- Research
Single particles take flight
X-ray laser irradiation and mass spectrometry combine to unlock the structure and composition of single airborne particles in their native environment
- News
Tuning into a radio solution to money forgers
Banknotes with an organic conducting polymer radiofrequency identification tag provide an extra level of security against counterfeiters
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The world's strongest fibres
A polymer fibre that combines carbon nanotubes and reduced graphene oxide is stronger than spider silk and Kevlar
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Asteroid ages united by new isotope standard
Hydrous asteroids are as much as 9 million years younger than thought
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Growing super long fibres in seaweed jackets
Aligned supramolecular nanofibres over one metre long have been made by encapsulating them in a hydrogel coating
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Cofactor control of catalysis enantioselectivity
Catalysts can turn from achiral to chiral using cofactors and can perform asymmetric reactions with high enantiomeric selectivity
- News
Smoothing out zeolite nanosheet synthesis
A new technique overcomes a major problem with the production of zeolite nanosheets
- Feature
Ions in the open air
Ionisation techniques that remove the need for sample preparation are taking mass spectrometry into new and exciting research areas, reports Steve Down
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Sniffing out garlic in gilded artworks
The presence of garlic in early gilded artworks has been confirmed
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Eurozone researchers see through fake banknotes
Fake euro notes can be detected quickly and accurately with a spectroscopic technique.
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Boosting the paradoxical benefits of white wine
White wine enriched in polyphenols has the same protective effect against atherosclerosis as red wines.
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Perchlorate levels doubled in organic veg
Organically grown leafy vegetables produced in North America contain double the amount of perchlorate found in conventionally grown crops, report US researchers.
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Wax paintings analysed
The care and restoration of wax-based paintings could be easier following the arrival of a new gas chromatography method.
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Sensing pollutants with iodinated polymers
Molecularly imprinted polymers containing iodine have been used to trap polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from river water for optical sensing.
- News
21 September 2005: Stressed GM potatoes contain increased levels of toxic metabolites
Genetically modified potatoes can produce greater amounts of toxins after exposure to blights and viruses, say UK researchers.
- News
8 September 2005: Polymerised ionic liquids make stable GC stationary phases
The high-temperature performance of gas chromatography stationary phases made from ionic liquids has been improved by polymerisation, say US researchers.
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22 August 2005: Targeted nanoprobes for cancer detection and prognosis
Magnetic nanocrystals have been bound to cancer-targeting antibodies to create a highly sensitive probe for the detection of cancer in vivo.