All chemical weapons articles – Page 5
Eliminating Syria's chemical weapons
Nina Notman reports on the international efforts to destroy Syria’s stockpiles of chemical agents
World faces up to Syria's chemical weapons legacy
Production and mixing facilities have been destroyed but 1000 tonnes of chemical precursors still need to be dealt with
Nobel peace prize goes to body that aims to eliminate chemical weapons
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons wins prize after recent work destroying Syria’s chemical arsenal
Syria’s decision to join Chemical Weapons Convention welcomed
Tests confirm sarin was used in the conflict, questions remain regarding how stockpiles will be destroyed.
French convinced sarin used in Syria
Labs in France and the UK have both confirmed the presence of the nerve agent in biological samples
Recovering chemical weapons
As stockpiles of chemical weapons are destroyed, the US looks to detecting and destroying buried munitions
Destroying war’s chemical legacy
The final deadline set by the Chemical Weapons Convention for destroying stockpiles of chemical agents has now passed. Nina Notman reports on progress worldwide
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