All plutonium articles
Plutonium to carbon double bond a first
Findings offer insight into differences in chemical reactivity between actinides and lathanides
Photochemistry enables safer method for reprocessing plutonium and uranium mixtures
Method bypasses harsh redox reagents while maintaining high separation factors
New type of bond is the first to defy actinide contraction trend
Bonds discovered in metallacycles are unique to the 5f elements
First stable solid pentavalent plutonium compound stumbled upon by chance
Never-before-seen form of plutonium could shake up models of how radioactive contaminants disperse in the environment
Plutonium: The element factory
Glenn Seaborg’s lab at Berkeley discovered plutonium – an element with uses beyond the deadly one we know well
The third degree on actinide covalency
The often ignored elements are attracting chemists’ attention again
Curious colours expose f-electron covalency effects
New knowledge overwrites electronic structure assumptions surrounding actinide complexes
Violent stellar collision near early solar system created actinides
A single neutron star merger produced almost all curium and plutonium that ever existed in the solar system
Robot speeds up production of plutonium spacecraft fuel
Radioisotope synthesis quadrupled by robot in bid to reach Nasa target
Plutonium gets another oxidation state added to its arsenal
New +2 oxidation state fills hole in transuranium element chemistry
Plutonium in a spin
Japanese and US researchers have solved the decades-old problem of plutonium-239’s NMR spectrum