All Working life articles – Page 6
Synthesising molecules and memories
Scientific adventures start with the support of an inspirational supervisor
Catalogues of complexity
The tangled web of fine chemicals supply frequently throws up surprises
The importance of providing young people with mental health support
Do you feel safe openly discussing your mental health with your colleagues at work?
Exit strategy
Overcoming a major setback showed Derek Lowe could make it through graduate school
China grapples with lab safety following huge growth in student numbers
Study exposes serious incidents and deaths at universities
Security versus employability
Safe isn’t better if it doesn’t allow you to develop professionally
Researchers around the world band together to help fleeing Ukrainian scientists
Schemes spring up to put refugee scientists in European and North American labs
It’s time to ban staff–student relationships
A policy of discouragement doesn’t go far enough towards tackling sexual misconduct
Overcoming a severe lab accident to become a chief scientist
Thea Ekins-Coward’s life changed in an instant; several years later, she has returned to science and is about to become a mum
Scents and sentimentality
Deprived of familiar lab odours, Derek Lowe indulges in some nasal nostalgia
Interim report on UK research bureaucracy provides a taste of what’s to come
Admin burden has increased over time and grant applications top academics’ list
Does a science postdoc pay off in the US?
Analysis reveals that lifetime earnings are reduced and the chances of securing a tenured post are not improved
How do you seal your vials?
The challenge of keeping reagents free of moisture and air took Twitter by storm
Results of the RSC’s 2021 Pay and Reward survey
Despite the disruption caused by Covid-19 and Brexit, most chemists remain positive about their prospects
The career importance of community service work
Community work enhances a scientist’s skills, whatever career stage they’re at
Diversity is at the heart of innovation
To challenge conventions we need to include people who think differently
Is hybrid working sustainable?
The environmental impacts of working from home part of the week vary
How to run a sustainable chemistry lab
A lot of research focuses on sustainability and climate change – but how much thought is put into making research itself more sustainable?
All work and no play
Is the long-hours culture of academic organic chemistry laboratories finally changing?