All algae articles
Enormous enzymes expand the limits of molecular biology
Identifying the PKZILLAs, used by algae to make toxins, stretched the capabilities of current analytical methods – and the limits of our preconceptions
Fighting algal blooms with chemistry
These harmful events are the result of a complex interplay of factors, but Bárbara Pinho talks to the researchers finding out how they form and how we can stop them
Unexpected autocatalytic effect gives light-driven enzyme a boost to synthesise green fuels
Discovery could enhance production of liquid fuels by algae
A safer, coral-friendly sunscreen is on the horizon
Polymeric UV filter doesn’t harm algae, coral or mice in tests
Overcoming a severe lab accident to become a chief scientist
Thea Ekins-Coward’s life changed in an instant; several years later, she has returned to science and is about to become a mum
Seeding oceans with volcanic ash could be new tool to tackle climate change
Tephra could encourage phytoplankton blooms that could potentially sequester huge amounts of carbon dioxide
Photosynthesis rewired to generate hydrogen
Gene transplant repositions algal hydrogenase so that it directly captures electrons from photosystem I
Algae lipid transformed into benzene
Efficient process derives agrochemical and pharmaceutical intermediate from renewable feedstock
Answer to Greenland algae's blooming health discovered
Annual algal bloom phenomenon solved
Ocean chemistry was responsible for 2015 Monterey Bay disaster
Unusual balance of nutrients allowed algae to build up high concentrations of neurotoxin
Green diving pool debacle at Rio Olympics
Chemistry underpinning rapid change in pool’s colour remains murky
Smorgasbord of chemical blueprints located in plain pond algae
Transcriptome sequencing reveals Euglena’s unexpected metabolic capabilities
Lean green microbe machines
For its proponents, algae hold the promise of a clean source of fuel, food or drugs. Anthony King wades in