All alloys articles
Alloys made direct from metal oxides offer more sustainable route to advanced materials
New approach to metallurgy is less energy intensive with a smaller carbon footprint
High entropy or just complex?
Several elements mixed in a single crystal phase isn’t necessarily a high entropy material
Marvellous mixtures of metals
High entropy alloys, with anywhere from five or more different metals, have unusual properties and could find use in a variety of high-tech applications. Clare Sansom reports
High-entropy alloy nanoparticles made with 17 different metals
Liquid gallium matrix enables mixing of elements that were otherwise immiscible
Machine learning navigates vast materials space to discover new high-performance alloys
Neural net suggested unusual element combination to create better Invar alloys
Water splitting electrocatalyst made from unconventional alloy containing 14 elements
Simple dealloying process creates complex nanoporous alloy
New magnesium alloy shows exceptional corrosion resistance
Magnesium reaps big benefits from tiny amounts of calcium
Solo palladium in catalytic copper alloy reduces nitric oxide from vehicle exhausts
First system to work at low temperatures that doesn’t generate nitrous oxide
Toyota promises cheaper electric car motor magnets within a decade
Careful material engineering enables alloys using more abundant rare earth elements than neodymium
Magical mixtures of metals
From bronze axes to jet engines, alloys have enabled humanity’s cutting-edge technology, as Fiona Case finds out
Alloy rewrites phase-change rules
Zinc-gold-copper alloy experiences unprecedentedly low stress during transition, boosting time to failure