All fluorine articles
Putting the F in pharma
Adding fluorine to drug molecules can be tricky, but is often worthwhile. Rachel Brazil talks to the chemists trying to tame the ninth element
Unusual bridging fluorine discovered in one-of-a-kind interhalogen ion
Similarity to MgAgAs crystal structure takes researchers by surprise
Teflon-inspired nanochannels outperform biological water transporters
Extreme water repellence of fluorinated surfaces leads to unprecedented permeation rates
Computational study finds fluorine in flatland
Proposed planar clusters contain fluorine atoms and group 13 elements
Subtle quantum phenomenon found to alter chemical reactivity for the first time
Peeking into the picosecond transition state window reveals effect of spin–orbital interactions
Fluorine: the T rex of the periodic table
Pass out the nickel superalloy reactor kit, it’s time to tame that most reactive of elements
Laser technique watches how implants release drugs
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy continues to diversify its applications
Frozen fluorine’s structure revisited after 50 years
Second ever crystal structure of solid fluorine solves 50-year-old crystal symmetry conundrum
Superfluorinated peroxides surprise with stability
Fluorinated peroxides more stable than their non-fluorinated counterparts
Transforming PET imaging with silicon
Fuzionaire Diagnostics can add Si–18F radiolabels to a variety of molecules quickly, easily and cheaply
Bizarre bimetallic compounds break C–F bonds
First ever molecular Mg–Al bond constructed in study that reveals main group metal–metal bonds can readily react with aromatic fluorine
First for cells as they're made to manufacture fluorinated bioplastics
Genetically modified bacteria could make synthesis of new materials more sustainable
Fluorine finally found in nature
Mystery of nasty niff from ‘fetid fluorite’ minerals is solved - it’s all down to the fluorine it releases