All Chemistry World articles in June 2019
View all stories from this issue.
Experiencing the Impossible: The Science of Magic
Jonelle Harvey may not be sold on magic tricks, but Gustav Kuhn’s book has given her food for thought
The Scientific Attitude: Defending Science from Denial, Fraud, and Pseudoscience
Drew Gwilliams reviews a book about how science should work, and what happens when it all goes wrong
Superheavy: Making and Breaking the Periodic Table
Kit Chapman has been on a journey around the world to discover how new elements are made
The Second Kind of Impossible: The Extraordinary Quest for a New Form of Matter
Megan McGregor reviews Paul Steinhardt’s book about the discovery of quasicrystals
‘Coffee machine’ synthesiser’s first steps
Cartridge-based machine enables non-experts to make heterocycles
Iridium and the demise of the dinosaurs
Geochemical clues from the Cretaceous period reveal the final days of the terrible lizards
Letters: June 2019
You write to us about the periodic table, Buzz Aldrin and aluminium doors
Cathleen Crudden: 'I played clarinet for the Pope'
The catalysis maven on hair metal, literature and Big Science
Accessible science education
Nina Notman hears from some of the leading lights in the quest to make chemistry education accessible to all
Caged gas blanket may explain why Pluto’s oceans are liquid
Ocean temperatures close to water’s freezing point may mean dwarf planet is hospitable to life
Is Bayer regretting its Monsanto takeover?
Large damages in Roundup litigation have got investors questioning the move
The deadly domino effect
People trying to save victims of gas poisoning can suffer tragic consequences
Jury awards $2bn damages in US glyphosate trial
Bayer vows to appeal third defeat over Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, while experts suggest damages will likely be reduced