Machine learning – Page 8
AI robot tests, predicts and even discovers reactions that are new to chemistry
Robotic chemist finds four unknown reactions and could speed up the discovery of new chemistry
Machine learning masters molecules
Deep learning algorithms set to transform time-consuming molecular screening programs
Will robots make you redundant?
Smart machines could soon outpace even the best organic chemist
Machine learning triumphs in tough cross coupling challenge
5000 nanoscale experiments teach algorithm how to predict outcomes of reactions in the presence of inhibitors
Robot with AI brain learns to evolve synthetic protocells
Evolution of oil-in-water system guided by machine learning offers insight into origins of life
The digital mind: how science is redefining humanity
What will be the consequences for society when brains and computers become indistinguishable?
Benchmark for molecular machine learning
Scientists make open-source database to test programs that learn chemistry
Common sense, the Turing test, and the quest for real AI
To produce thinking machines – or even just machines that we think are thinking – we first need to understand exactly how we think.
Small data unpicks complex interactions
Machine learning models complex physical systems with sparse datasets
Humans come out second best against efficient robot chemist
Chemists aren’t out of a job but the robot did perform well when it came to discovering and creating giant self-assembling structures
Amplifying intelligent drug design
This year’s Chemistry World Entrepreneur of the year is Andrew Hopkins of start-up Exscientia and the University of Dundee, UK
Will machine learning allow robots to take over?
How machines are adapting to solve chemical problems
Neural network provides accurate simulations without the cost
An efficient new computer brain can provide quick answers to computational chemistry problems
Finding a synthetic nanoparticle in a haystack
New analytical approach can detect engineered nanoparticles in the environment
Big Data: Does Size Matter? by Timandra Harkness – Book club
We are destined to become just a number in a big set of numbers. We discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this
‘Artificial brain’ aces undergrad organic chemistry test
Algorithm learns chemistry just like a human and can predict the outcome of reactions it has never seen before
Scientists finally calculate water’s freezing point from scratch
Machine learning shows how van der Waals forces help explain watery wonders like floating ice cubes
Machine-learning accelerates catalytic trend spotting
Example of what you can gain when ‘people from different disciplines start looking at the same problems’