All Chemistry World articles in May 2019
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Clearing the Air: The Beginning and the End of Air Pollution
Jamie Durrani reviews Tim Smedley’s new book
Chasing the Sun: The New Science of Sunlight and How it Shapes Our Bodies and Minds
Jonelle Harvey takes us through Linda Geddes’ new book
The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future
Jack Tarrant reviews David Wallace-Wells’ The Uninhabitable Earth
The price of a failed experiment
Research is not straightforward, but its ups and downs will teach you a lot
Exhibition: Craft and Graft: Making Science Happen
Emma Stoye visits the Francis Crick Institute’s exhibition highlighting science technicians
Geissler’s glassware
How the supreme glassblower of his day shows the value of technical staff
Omar Yaghi: 'MOFs are the most beautiful compounds ever made'
Omar Yaghi on why chemistry is his hobby
Righting history
Archaeology can offer unique perspectives on our place in the world, but the field has some challenges to overcome along the way
India’s doctorate dilemma
Why thousands of PhD chemists in India are without a permanent position
India's science secretary Ashutosh Sharma on the country's PhD pipeline
’The best of India’s PhD graduates should not remain mere job seekers’
The case for South Africa as the next pharma hub
Flow chemistry could drive regional manufacturing in Africa
Show me the data
Making industrial safety research more transparent benefits both companies and consumers
Malaria no more?
Efforts to cure malaria have been going on for hundreds of years. Clare Sansom looks at some of the latest – and most innovative
Death of the author
The first machine-generated book in chemistry is here. But is it any good? And what future does it herald?